What is Bootstrap

What is Bootstrap

In case you’re planning to push some kind of a new application or website, considering bootstrap would unquestionably be the ideal choice. And then, this tutorial may be great help and fruitful for you to start with Bootstrap.

  • Bootstrap is the most popular mobile first approach, front-end framework for developing responsive websites.
  • It uses HTML, CSS and jQuery web design technologies.
  • It is having predefined CSS classes and you have to use those classes in your HTML code, to get thing working fast.
  • It is free, you can download and use it in your next project.
  • Simple to begin With only the knowledge of HTML and CSS anyone can begin with Bootstrap.
  • Bootstrap have both CSS and jQuery components.

Link: You can download bootstrap files from https://getbootstrap.com/.

What is Responsive Web Page Design

The design that looks good in all the device width is known as responsive design, or you can say arrange according to the width of the devices.

Mostly in the desktop design the content is divided in multiple columns, and each column arrange side by side. And for small width devices the columns are arranged one below other.

Arranging content down below automatically is makes easy to read, because viewer need to scroll only in vertical direction.

Sometimes other design specifications like font size, margin, padding and image sizes also changes according to the device width.

History of Bootstrap

It was basically developed at Twitter in year 2010.

Bootstrap was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton, released as a free and open source product in August 2011.

Bootstrap have two primary version in current use, version 3 and version 4. The version 3 is old one, there are thousands of website that are presently built using Bootstrap 3.

Bootstrap 4 is published in 2018, and it is fast and having more responsive features.

Advantages of Using Bootstrap 3

A benefit of Bootstrap is the fact that it offers many techniques to be customized so you can make it your own.

Another benefit of Bootstrap is the fact that it provides an impressive documentation, examples, and demos that will help it become simpler to utilize and learn for someone new.

Often multiple CSS classes must be added to HTML elements to attain a desired visual result, and bootstrap support this functionality.

Bootstrap is compatible with all major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, and Opera etc.

Bootstrap includes both CSS and jQuery components for text, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, image, carousels and many more.

Bootstrap have responsive classed like row and column, for fast responsive design development.

One of the chief features is that, bootstrap is 12 column responsive grid system. Means you can divide each row up-to 12 columns as per your design requirements.

A important feature is that you have many column classes with the device prefixes to make it behave differently dependent on the device width like col-md-3, col-xs-3 and many more.

Bootstrap responsive gallery template includes ready-made coding blocks to provide quick start-up practice.

You can take advantage of a component simply using with the suitable class name. You are able to combine the classes to produce the truly responsive layout.

What You Can Do with Bootstrap

  • You can create responsive websites fast and easy.
  • You can create multi-column layout with pre-defined row and column classes.
  • You can create form with predefined classes fast and easy.
  • You can create responsive navigation bar with sample code available.
  • You can create JS components like accordions, modals etc. without any JS code.
  • You can create dynamic tabs to manage large amount of content without any JS coding.
  • You can create tooltips and popovers to show hint text with using predefined classes.
  • You cancreate carousel or image slider to showcase your content with beautiful animation.
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