
PHP Array Sort Functions Code Example for Sorting by Key or Value

PHP Array Sort by key PHP Array Sorting PHP Array Sorting means to arrange the elements of the array in a particular(ascending or descending or alphabetically) order. PHP has some array sorting functions to sort the array. PHP Array Sorting Functions PHP have some built-in sorting functions for array and these functions are used to sort the elements of the […]

PHP Array Functions & Example of Add, Reverse, Search, Count, Replace

PHP Array Replace PHP Array Functions Array Function is used to perform the basic task in an array for example count(), array sum(), array search and many more. List of popular pre-defined Array Functions Fuctions Description array() To create an array. count() To known the number of elements inside an array. array_sum() To get the addition of values […]

PHP Multidimensional Array in Numeric Indexed Value Example

PHP Multidimensional Array with echo PHP Multidimensional Array PHP Multidimensional Array means array inside an array. Or An array containing more than one array. Its structure behaves like metrics. In Multidimensional array, the data are stored in a tabular form (row-column formate). Syntax of Multidimensional Array in PHP Note:The var_dump() and print_r() are the two functions which are used to […]

PHP Associative Array or String Indexed Example Code foreach Loop

PHP Associative Array PHP Associative Array PHP Associative Array is also used to store more than one element and which is identified by the string. It also knowns as string indexed array. Syntax Of Associative Array creation and accessing. The above syntax are used to create an associative array. The above syntax have 2 different ways to create […]

PHP Array with Numeric Indexed Values

PHP Array With Loop PHP Array PHP Array is used to store more than one element which is identified by the index. In PHP Arrays are of three types – Index arrays Associative arrays Multidimensional arrays Caution:To create an array you have to use array() function. PHP Index Array In PHP Index Array the data will be stored and […]

PHP Variable Scope Local, Global and Static in Function Example Code

PHP Local Variable Scope PHP Variable Scope The scope is a boundary or limit where you can access the variable and it depends on the type of the variable. PHP supports local, global and static variable types. Local Variable Scope Local Scope means the variable is accessible within the same function where it is created. Example 1 – Local […]

PHP User Defined Function Syntax & Example Code with Return Parameter

PHP Factorial Function PHP User Defined Functions PHP User Defined functions mean that a function which is created by a user. The declaration of the user-defined function will start with the “function” keyword. Syntax of PHP user defined function deceleration Note: The name of the function must be started with a character and underscore not to be with […]

Basic Built in Functions in PHP with Code Example

PHP Basic Functions Basic Built in Functions in PHP PHP have many built-in functions that you can use this function and perform some basic task, for example, date(), time(), array() and many more. More than 1000s built-in functions are defined in the PHP. Some PHP Pre-defined Build in Functions date() time() strlen() str_replace() phpinfo() php_uname() extension_loaded() Phpversion() ini_set() […]

Conditional Ternary Operator in PHP with Code Syntax Examples

Ternary Operator PHP Ternary Conditional Operator Ternary Operator is a conditional assignment in which you can assign the condition as well as either two different values that can be assigned to the target variable based on the condition. Ternary Operator performs conditional operators. Ternary operators simplify some PHP conditional statement. But not simplify all the PHP conditional […]

PHP while Loop and do while Statement Break Continue Code Example

PHP while and do while Loop PHP while Loop Statement PHP while Loop is used to execute the part of code multiple times. This Loop is also working similarly to the for loop but has a little bit change in the syntax. All the three statements are broke down into 3 part. Firstly we initialize the variable than give the condition […]
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