Posts Tagged ‘Arduino Programming’
Interfacing of Arduino with 16×2 LCD Display

Interfacing of Arduino with 4×4 Keypad

Arduino LED Blink Or Control Code With Digital Output Pins and digitalWrite, pinMode Function

Understanding How Arduino Serial Port Send Line Feed LF, Carriage Return CR and New Line Character

Arduino Serial find Function Syntax And Example Code of Serial.find(), timeout

What is Arduino Serial find Function Arduino Serial find Function reads the received buffer and test for specified string or word present or not. This function returns a boolean value. If specified string is present in the buffer than the function return true, otherwise return false. By default the find function wait for one second […]
Arduino Serial finduntil Function and its Application with Example

What is Arduino Serial findUntil Function Arduino Serial findUntil Function reads the received buffer and test for specified string or word present or not. If specified string is present in the buffer than the function return the true, otherwise return false. By default the findUntil function wait for terminating character before it return false. The […]
Arduino Serial readBytes and Read Bytes Until Functions, Example of Serial.readBytes() and Serial.readBytesUntil()

Arduino Serial Read String or Line from Serial Monitor with ReadString Function