Posts Tagged ‘Raspberry Pi’
Switch Interfacing with Raspberry Pi | Digital Input with Raspberry Pi

This tutorial provide step by step instruction to perform Switch Interfacing with Raspberry Pi and its Python program.
Serial Communication Loop Back Test on Raspberry Pi with Python

Serial Loop Back on Raspberry Pi is the first Python Experiment every student have to perform on Pi kit, to check Serial is working or not. This tutorial provide step by step instruction to perform Serial Loop back. Note: To perform this experiment you have to short the GPIO Pin 8 and 10 with wire. […]
Blink LED on Raspberry Pi 3 with Python and BCM Pins

Blink LED on Raspberry Pi 3 with Python and BCM Pins setup. This tutorial provide step by step instruction to perform LED Interfacing with Raspberry Pi and its Python program. In this example we are using BCM setup for pin assignment. Note: You have to connect your LED on pin number 11 on GPIO. Actually […]
IR Range Finder Interfacing with Raspberry Pi and Python

IR Range Finder Interfacing with Raspberry Pi and its Python application program. It is step by step tutorial on Digital sensor Interfacing with Raspberry Pi.