
phpMyAdmin Introduction and Create & Open the Database

How To Open phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin Introduction phpMyAdmin is one of the most popular applications of the MySQL Database Management System(DBMS). It is an interface to interact with MySQL Database. With this software, you can create, delete, alter, drop, import and export the MySQL database. Caution: If you work on the local machine than you have to install the XAMPP […]

MySQL Introduction

MySQL Introduction MySQL is one of the popular Database Management System. The full form of MySQL is Structured Query Language. The data are stored in a table form in MySQL. Every column has a specific data type that you can specify during the creation of the table. You can perform the opertions such are – […]

Arduino Turn LED On And Off with Button or Switch Control Digital Input with digitalRead Function

Arduino Turn LED On And Off With Button Controlling a LED with button is one of important learning because it cover “How to take digital input”. Second learning is if decision logic application. Arduino Turn LED On And Off With Button code uses three main functions digitalWrite, digitalRead and pinMode. Digital input pins are used […]

Arduino LED Blink Or Control Code With Digital Output Pins and digitalWrite, pinMode Function

Arduino LED Blink Code or Project LED blinking or toggle program is one of the basic practice to test everything working properly. In the blinking program digital pins are on and off continuously with a delay. Arduino Uno is one of very popular board these days, and it is having a build-in LED on pin […]

PHP Form Handling or Processing in Application with Example Code Syntax of Submit Data

PHP Form Handling PHP Form Handling or Processing The form submitted by the client machine to the web server is actually received by a PHP script file, and it is known by action attribute of the form tag. The PHP Web server will store all the parameters received from the form in the $_GET or $_POST Global array. […]

PHP Session Use, Application Example to start, destroy, unset, id

PHP Session Start PHP Session On the internet, the web server does not have any information which user visit the page or how many times. To track the information about the visitor or users which can visit the multiple web pages, during the accessing of multiple pages sessions are generated. Caution: Session variables are stored on the web […]

PHP Cookies Use, Application in Example Code to Set, Delete, setcookie

Set Cookie in PHP PHP Cookies By default PHP is a stateless application means you can not track the activity of a user during the accessing of different web pages of the web site. With the help of the cookie, you can set some variable to track the user state. PHP cookie is a Super Global and used to […]

PHP Superglobal or Super Global Variables Uses and Example

PHP Superglobals PHP Superglobal Variables The scope of the superglobal variables is everywhere. List of variables in a particular super global variables depends on the state of the PHP application. PHP have Predefined “Super Global” variables for some specific purpose. Below list shows PHP superglobal variables- $GLOBALS $_SERVER $_REQUEST $_POST $_GET $_FILES $_ENV $_COOKIE $_SESSION PHP $GLOBALS […]

PHP Include or Require File Function and Difference Between The Two

PHP include VS require PHP Include File Function PHP Include is used to embed a PHP File into another File. Mainly it is used to add the library of user-defined functions. Example 1 – Include File Code to Embed Scripts In the above example, we have created 2 PHP files and one PHP file will be called into another […]

PHP Date and Time Function Syntax and Format String Example Code

PHP Time Format PHP Date and Time Function The date() and time() function is used to set the format of the date and time. By the date() function, you can set both format date and as well as time PHP date() Function The PHP date() is used to set the format of the date as well as time […]
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