CSS Word Spacing in HTML Property Syntax and Code Example

CSS Word Spacing Property

CSS Word Spacing Property is used to define the space between the words.

With the use of word-spacing property, you can modify the spaces between the words of the HTML Elements.

Example 1 – Word Spacing property basic example code syntax with p tag

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<h2>Example of the Letter-Spacing</h2>
	<h3> Word-Spacing Example with normal Spaces</h3>
	<p class="spacing">Lorem ipsum risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse in est. Purus sit amet luctus venenatis lectus.</p>
	<h3> Word-Spacing Of 4px Example</h3>
	<p class="word-spacing">Lorem ipsum vestibulum sed arcu. Porta lorem mollis aliquam ut diam. Iaculis nunc sed augue lacus viverra vitae. </p>

In the above given code, we define the word-spacing property to an HTML Paragraph Element. Where we apply the word-spacing of 4px and also have the normal spaces between the word.

CSS Word Spacing Property Syntax and Code Example with p tag
Fig.1 – Word Spacing Property Syntax and Code Example with p tag to increase the word space

Example 2 – Word Spacing in HTML p element modification with negative values

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<h2>Example of the Word-Spacing</h2>
	<h3> Word-Spacing Example with normal Spaces</h3>
	<p class="spacing">Lorem ipsum risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse in est. Purus sit amet luctus venenatis lectus.</p>
	<h3> Word-Spacing Of -1px Example</h3>
	<p class="word-spacing">Lorem ipsum vestibulum sed arcu. Porta lorem mollis aliquam ut diam. Iaculis nunc sed augue lacus viverra vitae. </p>
	<h3> Word-Spacing Of -3px Example</h3>
	<p class="word-spacing1">Lorem ipsum vestibulum sed arcu. Porta lorem mollis aliquam ut diam. Iaculis nunc sed augue lacus viverra vitae. </p>

In the above given code, we define the word-spacing property to an HTML Paragraph Element. Where we apply the word-spacing in negative values of -3px and -1px spaces between the words.

Word Spacing in HTML Example with negative Vales in the p tag
Fig.2 – Word Spacing in HTML Example with negative Vales in the p tag
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